
Monday, March 10, 2025

No Context: Loose photo from Fr. O'Connell's family album

 There's no writing on the back. Or in the album. So other than, being able to judge that the album was from roughly around the time of his ordination/coming to America from Ireland...there's no way of gaging when the photos in the album were taken. Photo might be a sister or a family friend. I feel like she was in a few of the other photos in the album. 

Appropriate we're posting of Fr. O'Connell (sort of): We recently found a bunch of old photos in the back room of the school, and I'm doing a lot of scanning of stuff that didn't make the digital archives around this time last year. As I've stated before on social media and the website, if you didn't turn in photos and want something posted for a Flashback Friday, or used in the Archives...feel free to turn it in. If it needs to be scanned, I can make a high resolution digital for you too. 

Monday, February 10, 2025

An Oral History with Father Roy Peters

 Links to California Revealed An interview with our late priest, Father Roy Peters about the Stanford Settlement...check it out.

Will be updating this blog more in the near future, stay tuned.

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Pete Tellers Teaser Poster


"I came here as a newly married man, 22 years old in 1947...just out of the Navy. I've been here ever since!" 

Pete Tellers, at the 90th Anniversary Celebration.

Sunday, May 19, 2024

The oldest communion photo we have....


For the record, in the author's note and sacrament section of the book; I went off of the records we have here in the office...which start in 1941. However this photo appeared in the pamphlet that we produced for our 50th anniversary and it it was labeled 1934.

Wednesday, March 13, 2024

CCD Comes Of Age In North City Parish--From The Catholic Herald

An article from The Catholic Herald about our CCD program (now called CFF) from the early 1960s.


No Context: Loose photo from Fr. O'Connell's family album

 There's no writing on the back. Or in the album. So other than, being able to judge that the album was from roughly around the time of ...